Saturday, 1 December 2007

Charlee's space! Watch this space!

Arrrraaaahhhhhh do you realise whatt time it is????? Its almost half past 9 on a cold winters saturday morning in December! Im awake! For many reasons this is wrong! Charlee yeah thats me never ever wakes up at half 7 on a saturday morning especially on a cold winters day! However this is a special weekend as im in Chester at the Trafford Hall learning how to make a fabulous mobile video!

Im tired! Charlee need sleep!

So fabulous we didnt do much last night apart form recieve our phone (wich i just might add WE DO NOT GET TO KEEP :(
Its ok so far! Im enjoying myself! Im looking forward to running riot to film random things!

OOoooooh also we did the BORING form filling and ground rules!

Everyone is pretty wicked tho there is a walking ghetto blaster! INTERESTING!

Over and out!

