Monday, 24 September 2007

New Releases

The Liverpool Youth Service's Mobile Movies workshops kicked off with a flying start on Tuesday, the result of which can be seen here! Movies created included action packed thrillers and a Big Brother diary room interview.

Chelsea created an intimidating feel to her diary room interview putting Tracey, the youth worker, at the head of a long table and interrogating her using close up shots. I love the way you did the dogma style hand held camera work on the hand-written title, Chelsea!

Chelsea also chose the unusual location of the lift for her one-to-one interview to camera. Nice camera spin, Tracey!

Meanwhile, Victor and William produced 2 action thrillers using sepia tinted footage and created their own soundtrack by whistling the Mission Impossible theme tune. Great acting, guys, and I love the way a boring swivel office chair is used to add to the suspense.

Can't wait to see more new releases this week.
Nicola at ICDC.

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