Tuesday, 14 August 2007



well i have been told to type but i dont know what to type but anyway i am doing a mobile movie project where i have an opportunity to learn to be creative nonetheless its a bit tough but with resilience i hope to make it....
To be honest, i couldnt sleep very well last night cuz i was thinking too much about this project kind of being overwhelmed and i my junk brains kept popping up crazy ideas about what i could do.
The thing is i have never come across something like this before, period unless ofcourse filming my self trying to be a Usher daaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! hei before you laugh who hasn't ...!!!! just tryna be brutally honest......... well im waffling alot but hei i was told to type right!!!

well fingers cross ama try put ma rusty brains back in use cuz am the ITCHIE TRIGGER FINGER...


Mobile Movies said...

jamaan, sounds like you are having a good time and that is good to hear, i am sure you can bring a lot of creativity to the project and gain a lot from it.


Mobile Movies said...

jamaan ya safe lad ya have been great throughout this week good blog aswell keep up da good work lad safe :)

Bernadette said...

You have been tremendous this week and a great person to have as part of the team. We just want to say thanks for all the contributions you have made to the project as well as the thought and effort you have put into everything you have turned your hand to this week, from discussions, to the blog to developing ideas for the site. So enough of this junk brains talk!

Start thinking about your idea for a film, check out the website when it is up and running for some inspiration - not that you will need it. Hope you and Alan keep in touch.
take care
Bernadette, Hooper & Nicola.

Mobile Movies said...

salam a lakum jamaan. you been a star mate all week. keep working hard and make opportunities for yourself, you got some talent, dont waste it inshallah

ma salama


Mobile Movies said...

jamaan lad its alan ya missed da presentation i hope you do well in da future lad wid ya DJ'in cheerin on 4 ya lad il see ya in da pleasure rooms sometime carry on doin it lad its a great path to follow and when ya get rich im havin 50% of the money il send you an E-Mail with my bank account numba in we'll have a joint bank account keep that in mind ( only messin lad ) il av to cum up to urs some day keep in touch lad if ya go on msn add me lpool08@hotmail.co.uk il catch you later scouse bye for now !!!